2024 Mileage Reimbursement Rates

Jeff Putnam

Jeff Putnam

Jeff is a workers' compensation attorney located in Omaha, Nebraska.

As of January 1, 2024, the Nebraska workers’ compensation mileage reimbursement rate is 67 cents per mile, up from 65.5 cents per mile in 2023.

See below for the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court’s historical data on mileage rates.

DatesReimbursement Rate
01/01/2024 to present67 cents per mile
01/01/2023 to 12/31/202365.5 cents per mile
07/01/2022 to 12/31/202262.5 cents per mile
01/01/2022 to 6/30/202258.5 cents per mile
01/01/2021 to 12/31/202156 cents per mile
01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020:57.5 cents per mile
01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019:58.0 cents per mile
01/01/2018 to 12/31/2018:54.5 cents per mile
01/01/2017 to 12/31/2017:53.5 cents per mile
01/01/2016 to 12/31/2016:54.0 cents per mile
01/01/2015 to 12/31/2015:57.5 cents per mile
01/01/2014 to 12/31/2014:56 cents per mile
01/01/2013 to 12/31/2013:56.5 cents per mile
07/01/2011 to 12/31/2012:55.5 cents per mile

Many adjusters will not remind you about your right to mileage reimbursement. I suggest you keep a weekly log of any appointments with your healthcare providers and include the date and round trip mileage. Send the mileage log to the adjuster in writing (keep a copy of the log) and you should receive a reimbursement payment within 30 days.

If you are having issues with your workers’ compensation mileage reimbursement, call Putnam Law today.

About Jeff

Jeffrey F Putnam is a personal injury attorney and workers’ compensation attorney located in Omaha, Nebraska. If you have head, neck, or back injuries from your job or an auto accident, call today.

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