Aviation Injuries

If you Google the words “aviation injury,” the results all seem to pertain to commercial airline crashes.  Those incidents are extremely rare: in 2020 they were statistically nil. 

But there are many other types of accidents – and injuries – that can occur inflight.  Some of the most common injuries result from:

  • Turbulence
  • Baggage falling from overhead bins
  • Beverage and food cart mishaps
  • Slips and falls on the airplane
  • Accidents while boarding and disembarking the plane

As common carriers, airlines have a heightened duty of care toward their passengers. If an injury is due to negligence, the airline may be responsible for compensation for treatment and lost wages.  

If the injury is due to a faulty latch on an overhead bin or an unsafe ramp design, the manufacturer may be liable.  Often an attorney is helpful in determining what kind of a claim you have. 

Aviation injuries don’t always occur on commercial airlines. 

General aviation refers to small, usually privately owned jets and airplanes.  Many more injuries and fatalities occur on these types of aircraft.

In addition, aviation injuries can occur on helicopters, hot air balloons, and paramotors. 

The jurisdictions and rules regulating aviation injuries are complex.  If you are seriously injured while travelling in the air, contact Putnam Law today.  

About Jeff
Jeffrey Putnam - Omaha Workers Compensation Attorney

Jeffrey F Putnam is a personal injury attorney and workers’ compensation attorney located in Omaha, Nebraska. If you have head, neck, or back injuries from your job or an auto accident, call today.

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