What should I do immediately following a work injury?

There are several crucial steps that you should take immediately after a work injury occurs.  The three steps that are universal are:  report the incident, seek medical attention, and speak to an attorney about your workers’ compensation claim.

Report the Incident

When you are injured at work, it is crucial that your supervisor, manager, or other person in charge is aware of the incident.  This will be important evidence in your workers’ compensation claim.  Sometimes, the next step (seeking medical attention) will have to occur first, because injuries are so severe that you cannot report the incident until after you have sought medical care.  In this situation, you must report the incident as soon as possible thereafter.

If you are unsure or apprehensive about reporting an incident, you should speak to a workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible to discuss your particular situation.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention not only helps you to be treated for your injury, but it also acts as important medical evidence in your future workers’ compensation claim.  Waiting hours or days to receive medical treatment can be used against you as an argument that your injury wasn’t severe or didn’t happen at work.

Talk To A Lawyer

We don’t just say this because we’re attorneys.  We encourage you to speak to a lawyer in order to protect your rights.  We know how insurance companies work and we believe that the best way to be treated fairly is with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer on your side.

About Jeff
Jeffrey Putnam - Omaha Workers Compensation Attorney

Jeffrey F Putnam is a personal injury attorney and workers’ compensation attorney located in Omaha, Nebraska. If you have head, neck, or back injuries from your job or an auto accident, call today.

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