Construction Worker’s Compensation

People are injured at work every day, but when your workplace is a construction site, injuries are especially dangerous. Possible injuries ranging from a fall from scaffolding to a welding or crane accident can be life-changing. Due to the demanding nature of construction work, for most work injury victims in the construction industry, proper medical treatment and care can the the difference between returning to work or having to find a new career.

The workers compensation system provides injured construction workers with medical treatment and disability benefits.  Sometimes due to permanent injuries and work restriction, a worker may not be able to return to his or her previous line of work.

Injured workers are then entitled to a vocational rehabilitation assessment in order to develop a plan to return to the worker to “suitable employment.”   For example see the link regarding Melvin Benson, an injured ironworker. His employer denied his claim for ongoing medical treatment and disability payments and we took the case to trial.  Learn more about the Benson case.

Over the years our office has represented numerous construction workers involved in serious and life-changing accidents.   No matter how serious or minor, always call a work injury attorney to determine your rights under Nebraska law.  There is no obligation and you may not even need an attorney.   Calling is the best thing you can do.

About Jeff
Jeffrey Putnam - Omaha Workers Compensation Attorney

Jeffrey F Putnam is a personal injury attorney and workers’ compensation attorney located in Omaha, Nebraska. If you have head, neck, or back injuries from your job or an auto accident, call today.

Best of Omaha - Omaha Magazine - Workers Compensation - 2023 Winner Award
The National Trial Lawyers - Top 100
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