How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Nebraska Workers Compensation Attorney

When someone calls our office for the first time, we understand that he or she probably will not have any experience with the legal process, usually be in pain; and is sometimes concerned about how the injury might affect a job and ultimately financial security.

A common question we encounter is: “How much is this going to cost me?” Unlike most attorney client agreements, workers’ compensation cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. Contingency fee means that the client does not pay for the attorney’s services up-front or on an hourly basis. The fee is based upon the amount recovered from the employer or its insurance company. The amount is usually based on a percentage of the amount awarded to the client.

In many cases, the attorney will advance costs associated with getting the case to a point where it is logical to discuss a settlement of the benefits or ultimately ready for trial. Typical costs are charges for medical records and necessary expert opinions such as a report from a treating physician.   In litigation it is usual to incur other costs such as deposition expenses (i.e. court reporter).

When you call, our staff will be as helpful as possible in answering your concerns. We may ask some follow-up questions about the particulars of your case, or schedule a phone consultation with Attorney Jeff Putnam if he is not immediately available.

Frequently we will schedule an in-person meeting to go over your case in detail. At this point, Jeff Putnam can answer any questions you have about how the contingency fee process and how it works. We will also explain Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Law and how it applies to your particular case. We will answer your questions and work to make sure you are comfortable with the legal process.  There is no charge or further obligation unless we enter into a formal agreement for our office to represent you.

As always, it is better you call sooner rather than later. Get your questions answered.

Common Questions About Hiring a Workers Compensation Attorney

How soon should I contact a workers’ compensation attorney?

I’m thinking of hiring a workers’ compensation attorney. What questions should I ask before I hire them?

Why do I need a workers’ compensation attorney?

About Jeff
Jeffrey Putnam - Omaha Workers Compensation Attorney

Jeffrey F Putnam is a personal injury attorney and workers’ compensation attorney located in Omaha, Nebraska. If you have head, neck, or back injuries from your job or an auto accident, call today.

Best of Omaha - Omaha Magazine - Workers Compensation - 2023 Winner Award
The National Trial Lawyers - Top 100
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